North 2013

Der Zauber der Bernsteinberge

Timons Chamäleon im Montagne d'Ambre

Ich habe richtig gut geschlafen. Die kühle Luft ist echt super. Nachts hat es ein bisschen geregnet und ziemlich gestürmt. Am Morgen geht das Zelt auf, die Reißverschlüsse surren… erstmal Schuhe suchen, anziehen und dabei nicht umfallen. Ein gegähntes „Mooorgnnn“ Richtung Gerd und Elke, die im Zelt diagonal links gegenüber nächtigen. Andrea und Antonella sind selbstverständlich schon wach und genießen ihren frühen 6-Uhr-Kaffee. Ich genieße eine Cola wie immer und klaue mir aus Nainas Pfanne eine frisch frittierte Banane… Mmmmh! Continue reading →

North 2013

Bunt, bunter, Pantherchamäleon

Fotografieren mit Dimby auf der Straße zwischen Ambilobe und Sirama

Ich habe geschlafen wie ein Stein. Nur mittig auf der Matratze, aber immerhin lief die Klimaanlage – zumindest mehrheitlich – die Nacht durch. Diesmal bin ich also quasi mehr als munter, als wir wieder auf den Markt Ambilobes zum Frühstück gehen. Auch heute morgen gibt es die extrem leckeren, frisch frittierten Bananen und Makasoka. Noch eine Cola, dann kann es losgehen in Richtung Sirama. Die Straße ist bekannt für ihre vielen, knallbunten Pantherchamäleons. Continue reading →

North 2013

Of kath zombies and a muezzin

Goldstaub-Taggecko in meinem leeren Cocktailglas

The spider is – to my great relief – not detectable in the morning. I deliberately did not light up the ceiling and I did not look under the bed. Since I’m up early anyway, I get up directly and sort my whole backpack apart with pointy fingers. It would be even creepier if I could carry such an eight-legged souvenir around with me! Continue reading →

North 2013

A visit to Nosy Faly

Pantherchamäleon auf Nosy Faly

The day begins with a small breakfast. The open restaurant serves baguette, honey and scrambled eggs. You get a glass full of thick, white-greenish liquid with it. Supposed to be Corasol or something. It tastes like stirring some plants with water, not my cup of tea. I drink it bravely anyway, somebody claims that it protects against cancer (well, if the evil pharmaceutical industry finds out! 😉 ). Continue reading →

North 2013

In the realm of the panther chameleons

Pantherchamäleon aus Ankaramibe

What I didn’t know last night: There is no sleeping at 30,9°C and without air conditioning anyway. The air is so extremely stuffy that at about three o’clock at night I open the window at some point because it is simply not bearable in the heat. As a result, a million mosquitoes follow the delicious smell of human skin. I spend the next two hours struggling with the hum, the fan, the mosquitoes, and the heat. Continue reading →

North 2013

Sun, heat, breeding farm

Blick auf den See vom Frühstück aus

Shortly after 6 o’clock, it’s just light – and DAMN COLD. Now I also know why there are three blankets on top of each other in the bungalow. Washing my hair gets canceled, without a hairdryer, I will freeze my brain away. Just before seven: It won’t be canceled. It’s getting warmer. By the way, I have a certain advantage to live so high up and to climb the steep stairs several times a day: I get hot water first because the hot water tank is right behind my bungalow. Continue reading →

North 2013

Cholesterol submarines and yellow rain

Wald in Analamazaotra

Today also starts with a zebu sandwich, lovingly called Cholesterol Submarine. Every day could start this way! Anto, Andrea and I drive with Patrice and Daddy to the Analamazaotra National Park. There is a big parking lot in front of the park entrance, and the one or other French tourist seems to have lost his way here, too. A small museum and a toilet house, that’s it. Nevertheless, one has to register. Practically, right in front of the entrance, there is already a Calumma brevicorne female, one that gets very excited about us. Continue reading →

North 2013

A paradise for chameleons

Pantherchamäleon in Vohimana

The day begins at 5:30, the cock from the neighboring village crows long and persistently. Some dog barks its soul out of its body – as I learn later, it is not only a dog, but also a group of quarreling lemurs. Everything sticks. I already have more mosquito bites than I consider healthy. Despite the mosquito net, but I didn’t quite understand its technique anyway. Continue reading →