North 2019

Miniature wonders and showers with Huntsman

Phelsuma kochi

When the first cock crows, it’s still pitch-black. Rooster two, three and four follow him and crow through the darkness. But this still does not make light. When it finally dawns, I get up. I grab my toilet bag and a towel and walk in flip-flops to the toilet house. To the right of it, something jumps through the trees, the Coquerel sifakas are apparently already awake. Continue reading →

North 2019

First chameleons


After an estimated two hours of sleep, it is already time to get up again. I am totally tired. Everyone is ready on time at seven. The luggage is ready for loading in front of the door, the backpacks are ready to hand. And then nothing happens. Nothing at all. The traffic in Antananarivo has Dimby and the other guys under control. Or traffic jams, rather. Well, all newcomers will learn about mora, mora in Madagascar. After all, everyone is finally arriving: Gris, Dimby, Jose, Fitah, Leon and Mamy as the old team. Continue reading →

North 2019

Holidays, finally

Über den Wolken

The day starts very early and ends very late. Already at three o’clock in the night – or early in the morning, as you might think – I pack the last things. At a quarter to four, I leave for the airport in Francfort. The check-in machine even offers a choice of seats. I get rid of my precisely weighed 46.3 kg of luggage at the counter, with the Air France employee joking that there’s probably only shoes in it. To my answer “No, I only have exactly one pair with me, I wear them on my feet”, he looks a little surprised. Continue reading →

Eastcoast 2018

Waiting in the cyclone

Rum am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen

In the morning there’s still storm. The lake makes huge waves and looks almost like the sea from the bungalow. Even the lemurs have retreated into the forest. The wind blows the hammock on the terrace playfully through the air, tearing at the trees and pulling at the leaves of the roof. I pack my travel bag and dash  in the drizzle, wrapped into my jacket, for breakfast. Continue reading →

Eastcoast 2018

Der Regen kommt


Der eigentliche Plan für heute sieht einen Ausflug zum Palmarium Beach, dem zweiten Standort des Palmarium ein paar Kilometer am Strand entlang vor, und danach einen Abstecher zum Vohibola Reserver. Das man übrigens auf Madagassisch „Wui-Bu“ ausspricht. Allerdings macht der Regen uns schnell einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Zyklon Eliakim schickt seine Vorboten und damit einen ordentlichen Sturm. Unser Bootsmann mag nicht nach Vohibola fahren. Continue reading →