It rained for hours in the night. No, actually, it was pouring. I have never experienced that here in the dry forest at the end of the rainy season. Rain was rare here when I was here. When the roosters start crowing, I am falling asleep. A short time later I am woken up and walk over to breakfast a bit drowsy. The Coquerel Sifakas are already awake too, a small family is jumping around over the toilet and shower house. Continue reading →
Tag: Lac Ravelobe
Miniature wonders and showers with Huntsman
When the first cock crows, it’s still pitch-black. Rooster two, three and four follow him and crow through the darkness. But this still does not make light. When it finally dawns, I get up. I grab my toilet bag and a towel and walk in flip-flops to the toilet house. To the right of it, something jumps through the trees, the Coquerel sifakas are apparently already awake. Continue reading →
Es gibt doch Krokodile im Ravelobe
Um sechs Uhr bin ich schon wieder wach. Irgendwo kräht laut und ausdauernd ein Hahn. Ich schlurfe zur Morgentoilette zum Dusch- und Klohäuschen des Campgrounds. Ein Handtuch im Nacken, die Klorolle unter den Arm geklemmt, die Zahnbürste in der einen und die Kulturtasche in der anderen, wandele ich dann wieder zurück zum Zelt. Ein Abstecher in die Küche verheißt nur Gutes für’s Frühstück. Und das ist wirklich mega super! Continue reading →
Shower with gecko
Another day, another walk around the lake. Breakfast with Makasaoka and coke. But this time I’m doing brilliantly – and it’s very amazing how fast you can suddenly get around Lac Ravelobe at normal speed! Only this time it’s the other way around the Ravelobe. Continue reading →
The Revenge of the Frog
All night long I’ve been rather humble. circulation, stomach cramps, nausea – the late revenge of the frog? No idea. I feel better in the morning, but I still feel dizzy. But at least I can say that the stars above Ankarafantsika are amazing – I had enough time to observe them tonight. Continue reading →